Saturday, December 7, 2019
Saturn Communication for Business - Admistration - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theSaturn Communication for Business,Admistration and Sciences. Answer: Introduction Information technology has brought a drastic change in the working pattern. It is an important element in every organization. Without information technology no business can achieve their objectives and targets. Information technology is useful in every field of business as well as it is useful in household work also. Information technology has invented many amazing techniques which has reduced the work load of people and made the work simple. In this report, need and requirement for information technology in Saturn communication will be discussed. Saturn communication is a telecommunication company which is playing an important role in providing services to the public. Saturn communication was founded by Mr. Chris Welsh and its headquarter is based in Hobart, Tasmania. Without information technology telecommunication cannot do their work effectively and efficiently. Information technology is a method which improves the quality of services which are rendered to the public. The process of this industry is based on the new technologies. Need of Information technology of Saturn communication in relation with information technology is covered under this report. (Suresh, 2011). Need of Information Technology in Saturn Communication Saturn communication is an industry which is based on telecommunication in which different services are rendered to public. The services which are provided by Saturn communication is related to broadband as well as internet in wireless (Haghighat, 2008). Information technology is an important part of every telecommunication Industry without this no industry can achieve success. By sitting at home customer can pay their bills and can also clear the doubts regarding anything. A small disturbance in information technology can affect the work of business. Technical and non Technical teams are involved in the organization to solve and control the issues which can give uninterrupted services to the customers. They solve each and every problem of customer and give satisfaction to them. By using latest techniques the Saturn communication increases the customer satisfaction and also helps in expansion of business. To conduct day to day activities in these industry latest techniques is the mai n element of the business (Mutuku, 2015). Importance of Information technology in Business Information technology has invented many unique devices and services which saves time of consumer as well as of employee (Berisha, 2015). It helped the organization to enhance their marketing and other strategies so that the targets can be achieved easily. Saturn communication has adapted latest technologies which help them to achieve the organization goals and objectives. For increasing efficiency and for effectiveness this industry has to keep updated technologies without this they cannot be able to achieve their objectives. If any business which do not use the latest technologies is considered as outdated and will not be able to achieve success in the business. For growth and for effective results information technology is necessary for every organization. For achieving growth in the business and also for profits the company should use innovative methods and techniques so that it can achieve success in the business. Information technology make work easy so by using different techn iques work can be done more as compared earlier.All the work of the company is done by using technology so it is required to keep upgraded technology for the smooth working. (Barvayeh, 2011). Requirement of Information Technology in Saturn Communication To perform general activities efficiently and effectively each business has to carry latest information technology. It helps to complete or conduct task in easy way with great results. Saturn communication uses the technologies to promote latest services and also to provide satisfaction to consumers. There are many telecommunication companies in Australia and there is tough competition between them. So to compete it every organization has to adopt latest technologies to survive in the market. The provider of internet, carrier network and broadband face competition in market because they all perform same function in the market. To increase the quality and satisfaction of consumer Saturn communication advanced technologies. It helps to increase the profit and provide maximum customer satisfaction (Nikoloski, 2012). Usage of Information Technology in Saturn Communication It is beneficial in every area and all are taking use of information technology. All are dependent on information technology it be a human or organization. Everybody uses the latest and innovative technology to achieve their objectives and targets (Rupinder, 2012). In Saturn communication information technology is useful for both employee and customer in following way:- Customers:- Customer saves time by using the information technology. By sitting anywhere they can access everything they want. By using latest technologies customer can obtain accurate results. By using information technologies customers avail many discounts and offers which are beneficial for them. Customers are nowdays aware and are practicing to use the latest technology. By using the information technology they can access anything by sitting anywhere in the world but the internet access is required. The living standard of people has increased by using latest and innovative technologies. In every area information technology is beneficial for employees. They can do what they want. Employees:- Information technology enhances the learning ability of employees and also it reduces the workload of employees. The growth opportunity increases of employees in the organization as well as outside the organization and also it is useful for them to achieve their targets. By using information technology the workload of the employees are reduced with gives motivation to them to work and create a happy environment (Wan,2011). Advantage of using Information Technology in Saturn Communication By giving quality services to consumers the Saturn communication has achieved success in their field and also large no of people are attracted towards the company. The services which are provided by the company are necessary and important for every people. So, no of people increases who avail the services (Ikoha, 2011). It reduces the consumption time and the work can be done in less time if updated technology is there in the company.Information technology focuses on improving the quality of work and also by using new technologies the employees feel happy and motivated to do the work. By using innovative technology the company can compete other industries easily. Upgradation is necessary without this they cannot generate their efficient revenue and cannot achieve growth in the business. The price and quality which is rendered to customers should be reasonable as compared to other companies because it will attract more consumers to avail the services like: Internet services, Carrier services. The Saturn communication provides services at low cost as compared to other telecommunication industry so the company caters large number of people. The company has adapted latest technologies which serve the customer and give good performance and also attracts the customer towards the business. IT also helps to maintain customer relations. By using information technology it helps to reduce the cost of promoting new services and also increases the profit (Rot, 2009). Threats Arises by using Information Technology Every business has some threats. To achieve success in business the usage of advanced technology is necessary. By using advanced technology one can overcome the risk and threats. There are many threats which arise. The company can face negative results if there is entry or interference by an unauthorized person in technical room. Telecommunication company has many important and secret information of clients and there payment information so proper prevention should be taken to reduce the threat of data stolen. The strategies which are considered by the organization to be kept safely from outsiders because if disclosed it can has negative impact on business and also it will not be effective. Business should take corrective measure to avoid threats in business. Risks and threats can give loss to the business. Company should focus on minimizing the risk and should take immediate action if required in any situation. Delay in action can cause a negative impact on the business. Information technology is a vast term in which there are many types of threats. To overcome threats the alertness and activeness of the team is required. It is the responsibility of the firm to analyze threat and minimize it on time. Risk is the part of every company or organization but to analyze it and to minimize it the responsibility is of the company. (Oghojafor , 2004). Monitoring and Maintenance of Information Technology Saturn communication has a team of technical members who maintain and control all the technologies which are used in the organization. The information technology should be monitored and maintained so that effective results can be achieved. The Monitoring and maintenance should be done technical team or by the team of technicals. No unauthorized person should be involved in it. The technical team should make some rules and policies so IT can be maintained effectively and efficiently. To maintain security and privacy no person other than technical team member should be allowed to enter technical room. This will give security to the important information. For achieving objectives and best results the technical team brings improvement in current methods of technologies. Monitoring should be done on regular basis because one defect can cause a huge loss for this industry. Trained and skilled staff should be appointed. (Kumar, 2014). Recommendations The company faces many challenges and there is tough competition in telecommunication industry because there are many companies which are providing same services. So, for the growth the company should adopt new and latest technologies so that it can give best services to the customer and should provide services at low cost as compared to others. The company should also introduce some innovative products and services which attract customers towards them. Conclusion It can be concluded from the above report that information technology is very important in every area and Saturn communication is dependent on information technology .For improving the performance information technology play an important role and also for growth of business. New technology is considered by the company so that activities can be completed easily and in less time (Sharma, 2016). For Saturn communication information technology is beneficial because it is reducing the cost of activities which are executed by the organization and also it is easy to give training to untrained staff. It saves times and enhances the understanding. By the use of latest and advanced technologies the company is able to maintain better customer relation and also it results in increased profits of the business. For giving best experience of usage of internet the company is giving broadband connections and wireless carrier networks. Performance of Saturn communication is also analyzed by using tech nologies and also by using advanced technologies effective results can be achieved (Surugiu, 2012). References Barvayeh, E, 2011, The impact of information technology, Journal of information technology, vol.28, pp: 112-116. Berisha, A, 2015, Impact of information, Journal of business,admistration and sciences, vol.1,no.1,pp: 73-79. Haghighat, F, 2008, The impact of information technology, World applied science journal, vol.3, pp: 74-81. Ikoha,A,2011, Information Technology Research in Developing Nations, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research,Vol.1,no.6,pp: 253-257. Kumar, P, 2014, Information Technology, International Journal of Advanced Research, VOL.4, NO.5, pp: 1020-1024. 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